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Summer 2014

Three National Awards to the Washington section.

Washington AAPT president Thomas Haff has been honored as one of the finest high school physics teachers in the country with the prestigious  Paul Zitzewitz Excellence in Pre-College Physics Teaching Award.  Click here to read about Tom and the award.

Green River Community College instructor Ajay Narayanan has been honored as the Outstanding Advisor of a chapter of the Society of Physics Students in the nation for 2013.  Click here to learn more about SPS.   Click here to learn more about Ajay and the award.

Last but not least, past president Michael Jackson of Central Washington University has been honored with the AAPT 2013 David Halliday and Robert Resnick Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Physics Teaching.  Click here to learn more about Michael and the award

The 2014 workshop on Instructional Strategies in Introductory Physics (ISIP) will be held March 27 - 29 at Green River Community College in Auburn, WA.  Visit PhysicsWorkshops.Org or click here for more information.

Information about the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT national website) can be found here.