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11/3 AAPT Elections

12/28 TYC NFE Deadline

Fall Meeting Re-cap.

4/1-2 PNACP

Fall 2015

November  3- Deadline for AAPT Election.

AAPT has modified its constitution and by-laws to be in alignment with New York State law where we are incorporated.  These are very significant changes to the structure of this organization.  Information can be found here:

You can send comments to

Officers are also up for election.  AAPT members, please vote.


Now - Applications for the TYC New Faculty Experience.

December 1- Early acceptance notices begin to be sent.
​December 28- Final application Deadline.
The Two Year College New Faculty Training Experience is in the process of recruiting for the next event. It begins in late January. They have grant money for 30 participants. If you are, or know anybody at a TYC who is new to teaching it would be an excellent opportunity for them.
The AAPT web site for this experience is at


Meeting Re-cap, Washington Section Meeting
​10/9  - 10/10  Heritage University.

About 25 people attended the meeting at Heritage where we were treated to some resonances between presentations.  Krishna's opening presentation placed cultural awareness in the spotlight and several presentations through the day found this touchstone relevant.  Andrew's eye-opening presentation about what can go wrong when it may appear that everything is going well, touched on center of mass and rotational concepts.  These appeared again and again through the other presentations. (There was no behind the scenes conspiring. - Honest!) Even Hilliary's polarization presentation employed circularly polarized light.  (Yes, I know this is a stretch.)

April 1-2 - PNACP Meeting.
Complex Systems / Sustainability. Portland Community College, Portland Or.