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- Bruce Palmquist, CWU, 5-5:50pm,
Creating and using hypothesis-testing investigations using online simulations. In this workshop, you will learn how to develop investigations using PhET physics simulations . PhET simulations are effective tools for teaching students physics concepts and helping them learn investigative skills. The presenter will share some investigations he created, guide you through the process of creating your own investigation, and provide feedback as you start developing your own.
- Mike Jackson, CWU, 6-6:50pm,
Exploration of electric circuits using hands-on activities and physics simulations. In this workshop, electric circuits will be explored using an experimental apparatus containing five light bulbs connected in various series and parallel configurations. This experiment has been used to assess student understanding of electric circuits in our introductory physics courses for majors, non-majors, and the general education program. Next, series and parallel circuits will be investigated using the PhET physics simulation circuit-construction-kit-dc. Along with a brief review of electric circuits, the workshop facilitator will share some investigations created by colleagues at Central Washington University including an equipment list for the hands-on activities.
- Andrew Boudreaux, WWU, 7-8pm,
Invention tasks to support mathematical sense-making in physics. When we introduce new quantities in physics we usually explain mathematically how they are related to other quantities. Too often students misinterpret the reasoning and simply memorize, approaching physics as a match-the-equation activity. Invention instruction, pioneered by Dan Schwartz, presents open-ended situations in which students must create mathematical procedures to characterize physical situations. Invention tasks prime students to make sense of subsequent formal instruction. This workshop will engage participants in invention tasks and discuss classroom applications.
- Natasha Holmes, Ida Roll, James Day, and Doug Bonn
University of British Columbia The invention Support Environment - Where do we go from here?
- Alistair McInerny, Andrew Boudreaux and Sepideh P. Rishel
Western Washington University Assessing the reflexive writing of introductory physics students
- Sepideh P. Rishel, Andrew Boudreaux
Western Washington University Characterizing student metacognition: A case study approach.
- Alexis Olsho
University of Washington Research as a guide for adapting curriculum on special relativity to a new population
- Stella Stylianidou
University of Washington Identifying student difficulties with IV characteristic curves