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AAPT Washington
 WA-AAPT Fall 2015 Meeting

Friday, October 9, 2015      -     Location
Workshops.Tentative Schedule - Revisions may still occur.



5:00 - 6:00

Workshop 1: Title


6:00 - 7:00

Facilitating a simple research project in an online astronomy course with MicroObservatory

Bruce Palmquist, Central Washington University

7:00 - 8:00

Dinner (BBQ)

8:00 - 9:00

Tour of laser spectroscopy facilities at Heritage University and informal discussion on undergraduate research

David Laman, Heritage University



Saturday, October 10, 2015      -     Room: TBA
Preliminary Schedule - Modest revisions may still occur.





8:00 -

Coffee, Registration and Welcome.   David Laman - Heritage University (

8:30 -

Fabled Demos.   Krishna Chowdary - The Evergreen State College ( Abstract:Fables are stories, often with a twist ending, that illustrate a moral lesson. Many physics demos also have a twist that illustrates some physics concepts. In this brief talk, we will see some classic physics demos that let us learn physics concepts but can also be extended by analogy to larger life lessons.

8:50 -

The third dimension in 3D Movies.   Hillary Stephens - Peirce College Fort Steilacoom ( Abstract:  Using Real D, 3D movie glasses, in a classroom activity is a fun way to teach simple polarization concepts and discover how 3D movies work.

9:10 -

Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices.   Bruce Palmquist - Central Washington University ( Abstract:   The Physics Teacher Education Coalition, the American Physical Society, and the American Association of Physics Teachers released a new peer-reviewed book: Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices. There is a strong emphasis throughout the book on implementation advice, ongoing challenges, and lessons learned. The book's primary audience is physics department chairs and physics faculty. This talk will describe what physics instructors at all levels can learn about effective instructional practices, even if they are not directly concerned with teacher preparation. The book is available for download at

9:30 -

Break and Poster Session Students contributors from various institutions.

10:10 -

Incorporation of meaningful undergraduate research into new Biophysics track at Central Washington University Nathan Kuwada - Central Washington University ( Abstract:  We are in the process of developing a dedicated Biophysics track within the Physics major at Central Washington University (CWU) in order to (1) provide new special topics courses to current physics majors, and (2) to recruit current, incoming, and transfer students who traditionally may have not considered Physics as a potential major or minor. In this talk, we will discuss the preliminary outline for the Biophysics track as well as new laboratory and research topics that will be directly incorporated into the curriculum. We believe this program will not only offer our students the opportunity to be exposed to a modern, exciting, and rapidly expanding field of study but also provide our students a distinct competitive advantage for graduate school admissions and careers in biotechnology.

10:30 -

Seeing What You Believe: Case Studies of Demonstrations That Did Not Promote Conceptual Change.   Andrew Boudreaux - Western Washington University ( Abstract:  One strategy for promoting active learning with classroom demonstrations is to have students make predictions before observing. This talk presents examples of demonstrations that seemed to have sound pedagogical design built around prediction, but nevertheless did not lead to student learning. Speculation about reasons why learning was less than expected will be offered.

10:50 -

Centripetal Force, Orbits and Escape   Robert Ruotsalainen - Eastern Washington University ( Abstract: Introductory astronomy classes present instructors with challenges and opportunities for the incorporation of underlying physical principles. Centripetal force, supported by a simple demonstration and combined with the law of universal gravitation, yields a circular orbital velocity. An extension to escape velocity also is considered briefly.

11:10 -

Business:WA-AAPT Business WA-AAPT Officers
  • Minutes
  • Treasurer's report
  • Section Representative
  • New Business
  • Nominations for offices
  • Elections

    11:45 -

    Lunch:        Maps to local eateries provided.

    1:15 -

    Viewing and discussion of interactive lecture demonstrations   John Currie, Robert Hobbs, (Your name here) Abstract:  View demonstrations. Pick up or contribute ideas for interactive activities in the classroom.

    2:00 -

    Honoring a Dedicated Demonstrations Physicist.   Various Presenters -
  • Abstract:  Some words in memory of Brett Caroll.
  • 2:10 -

    Putting Demonstrations Into Students' Hands   Caleb Teel - Bellevue College (
  • Abstract:  Traditional demonstrations can often be easily re-invented to create an active and engaging student experience. We will share two demonstrations that were reworked to align with Arons’ “idea first and a name afterwards” approach and also give students hands-on experience; students are actually asked to perform the demonstration themselves so they can see and feel the observation firsthand! Expect to be an active participant!
  • 2:30 -

    A new twist to Force: Torque experienced.   Robert Hobbs, Bellevue College (
  • Abstract:  Torque was a mystery to me until I had to teach it. It became clearer to me (not all at once!) but it took longer to come to a point where I thought my explanations to students were sound. Still, telling them did little to help them understand this concept. This activity grew from that need.
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    Title Speaker - Institution

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    Title Speaker - Institution

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           4:00 PM

    Title Speaker - Institution

  • Abstract: