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AAPT Washington


Friday, October 12, 2018      -     Location:   B224 -226
Workshop: Implementing PER based methods in the classroom.  
See travel page for directions and maps.
Tentative Schedule - Revisions may still occur.





5:00 - 6:15

Implementing Tutorials

Brian Stephanik

6:15 - 7:00

Dinner (Pizza?)

7:00 - 8:35

Lab/Demo Interactive engagement activities:

Robert Hobbs



Saturday, October 13, 2018      -     Rooms:B204, B224, B226, B227, RISE as indicated.
Preliminary Schedule - Modest revisions may still occur.



8:00 - 8:20

Coffee, Registration . B204  

8:20 - 8:30

Welcome. B204   Caleb Teel, Bellevue College

8:30 - 8:50

A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to building an inclusive STEM classroom,    Krishna Chowdary, The Evergreen State College Abstract: This talk will discuss some activities and experiences based on a multi-disciplinary approach to creating an inclusive environment for an integrated introductory calculus-chemistry-physics at The Evergreen State College. I will share our attempts, from a first day activity that combined reflective writing with collaboratively designed community agreements to readings that ranged from the roles of socio-economic status, race, and gender to growth mindset to imposter syndrome and that came from law review articles to peer reviewed scientific literature to popular press books. I will offer up some reflections on the effectiveness of these activities, with the hope of gaining wisdom from other conference attendees.

8:50 - 9:10

Transforming upper-division physics courses to be more inclusive before I knew what that word meant    Nathan J. Kuwada, Department of Physics, Central Washington University Abstract: Although there has been significant research and implementation of a variety of active-learning curriculum and pedagogies in introductory-level physics courses, much less attention has been paid to to the core upper-division courses that make up the heart of an undergraduate physics education. As a regional comprehensive university, our students enter our program with a broad range of background preparation that tends to manifest itself as a wide gap in performance in upper-division courses taught in a traditional lecture-based format: a small subset of high achievers get bored and a majority of the rest are completely lost. In an attempt to mitigate this problem and make my classroom more inclusive, I recently redesigned our year-long Electromagnetism series and our two-quarter Analytical Mechanics series to include PER-based strategies, including a partially flipped curriculum, think-pair-share exercises, group tutorials, and other active-learning activities. Here I will describe my approach, the challenges in implementation, and an assessment plan for the future.

9:10 - 9:40

RISE Learning Institute and ComGen: Scaling up research and other high impact practices college-wide and across the state,   Gita Bangera, Bellevue College Abstract: The RISE Learning Institute was founded to help scale up the practices of Research, Innovation, Service, and Experiential Learning to courses across the campus. The ComGen program has built a state-wide community of practice of faculty interested in building Classroom base Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs). We will share the lessons learned from these two programs..

9:40 - 10:00

Break and lunch ordering.

10:00 - 10:20

A laboratory exercise with operational amplifier circuits: measuring output impedance,   Michael Braunstein, Central Washington University Abstract: Inexpensive integrated circuit operational amplifiers (op-amps) are essential and ubiquitous in an extremely wide range of electronics and instrumentation. Predicting the first order behavior of an op-amp in a circuit proceeds from the application of very simple rules, and circuits that employ op-amps can be used to connect a range of important mathematical and physical ideas to easily implemented and measureable phenomena. These qualities position op-amps as indispensable in intermediate level electronics instruction in science and engineering curricula. As a novel contribution to the curriculum of op-amps for scientists and engineers, we have developed a laboratory exercise for measuring and modeling the output impedance of basic op-amp circuits. The exercise provides a rich context for, among other things, illustrating significant elements of experimental design, introducing and examining the parameters that govern op-amp behavior, verifying the advantageous effects of negative feedback that is central to almost all applications of op-amps, and applying the methods and utility of lock-in amplifiers for measuring small signals. We will present an overview of the system we have developed for the exercise, data sets and analyses that the system has produced, and some of the deviations from simple models of op-amp behavior we have found.

10:20 - 10:45

Business Meeting: Officer reports. Ellection of officers.

10:45 - 12:15

Workshop: A Curriculum To Promote Equity and Inclusivity   Moses Rifkin, University Prep, Abigail Daane, South Seattle College Abstract: In our 90 minute workshop, we offer teachers a guided means to help create a more equitable and inclusive physics community. Motivated by our shared desire to address under-representation in physics, we have created a flexible, modular curriculum designed to help physics teachers bring conversations about science and society into our classrooms. In this workshop, we will share the curriculum and data demonstrating its influence, and reflect on our experiences before helping attendees to download, grow familiar with, and implement the curriculum.

12:15 - 1:00 PM

Lunch: B227        The plan is to order out and also order in from several spots, but to dine together on-site as mmuch as possible. Maps and menus provided in the morning break.

1:15 - 1:45 PM

Poster session: B226, B224 Set-up 1:00 PM: Lunch continues.

1:45 - 2:05 PM

Multiple Populations in Globular Star Clusters, B204   Robert Ruotsalainen, Eastern Washington University Abstract: Globular Clusters are relatively old (≥10 Gyr) and populous (≥100,000 stars). Evidence of multiple stellar populations has been uncovered in many globular clusters. These different populations may result from different ages and/or different initial chemical compositions. Observations and models for the globular cluster M13 are included.

2:05 - 2:20 PM

Pencil and paper activiites for Energy Conservation. Tom Haff, Seattle Pacific University
Abstract: Interesting teaser.

2:20 - 2:40 PM

Title Speaker Institution
(Perhaps one more talk could be accomodated.) Abstract: Interesting teaser.

2:40 - 3:10 PM

Break, RISE Tour. RISE

3:10 - 4:10 PM

Demonstrations. B224, B226    Abstract: Bring your favorite demonstration. Email if you want to borrow something we might have.